Dr Nicola Stacey
Director of Heritage of London Trust
Nicola Stacey has been Director of Heritage of London Trust for ten years and led numerous public art restoration projects across the city. In 2020 she launched Proud Places, a youth engagement programme involving young people aged 11-18 in local heritage projects. The programme focuses on alternative provision education, creating pride and curiosity in the public realm. Over 8,000 young people have been involved since its launch. We run a Poet for Places programme, now in its second year, and a Proud Prospects careers’ development programme for young people. Nicola has 25 years’ experience in heritage, creative partnerships and the communication of cultural projects including at the Museum of London and English Heritage, and has a PhD in Archaeology. She is on the Partners’ Board of the Mayor’s Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm. Nicola was named among the London Standard's list of 100 people shaping the capital in 2024.