Inspired by Columbia Market Gates
I speak of the grey
Of towers melting tall, angled shadows
Melding into history’s mist
In the city’s midst
A British Versailles
Her crown jewel, adorned in speckled grey
I speak of the grand daughter
Whose well-meaning mortar pierced Bethnal sky
Whose riches raised spiny mountains
Whose kindness kept them standing
Looming over cobbled court, to sate its traders, judge and jury
Honeycombed with rooms, all manner of wares
And yet still brittle
The market tree was felled
Whittled down to gates, lions, strawberry and lavender murals
Silence in the sunflower slum
Near recycling bins, hungry jackdaws leant on scaffold
While crowds pass by in blinks
But no, not quite dead, not quite gone
For while London burned, its walls endured
Empty halls to a grey teeming with colour
A brick greenhouse to sprout new stories
The railings, the gates, the iron
Its sole survivors, standard bearers
The angel’s hope remains, the grey has bled away
To leave the black, and with it
A brave new day