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Inspired by Henrion Street Sculpture
Two roads diverge where the elm trees stood
Watching on through crossroads
Winding whispering woods
Pebble columns, amber grass
My old stomping ground holding fast
I see them peer over high brick walls
The gargoyles in their stately homes
Past the anchor, marked in bold
Tucked away, laid to rest
On long streets paved with molten gold
I watch on through crossroads
Sunsoaked, in a coat of new green paint
For I was born not far from here
Under the gargoyles’ eye
Steered off the garden path, my fate
Semi-Detached, train tracks, London’s gaol
Beneath poorer, bluer sky
For I was born not far from here
Under old Queen Mary’s eye
Now standing dissonant where the elm trees stood
Watching the cars passing by
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